Graha Prevesam
Graha Pravesam is a ceremony performed on the occasion of one's first entry into a new house. Once the house is ready, the family moves in on an auspicious day that is determined by the astrological charts. Three types of griha pravesh have been mentioned in our ancient scriptures: Apoorva: First entry to newly constructed house on a newly selected land is called apoorva (new) griha pravesh. Sapoorva: Entry into an already existing house after travelling abroad or migration elsewhere is called sapoorva griha pravesh. Dwandwah: Entry into a house to after reconstruction or renovation subsequent to damage due to fire, flood or earthquake, is termed as dwandwah (old) griha pravesh.
Hindu marriage literally means the ceremony of carrying away the bride to the house of the groom. Hindu Marriage is different from the institution of marriage in other societies. Hindu Vivaha (marriage) is, in essence, a ritual and a formality, of course, very important through which an individual has to go, to be able to start his other life in Grihasthasrama. The meaning of vivaha refers mainly to the ceremony of carrying away the bride to the house of the bridegroom. But since long it has come to refer to the whole of ceremony or wedlock.
According to Hindu traditions, the engagement ceremony is done a few months before the marriage. This ceremony is a formal announcement of the impending marriage and the start of the planning for the big event. The couple exchanges the wedding rings and the ceremony ends with best wishes and blessings from all the attendees. In some customs, they prepare a "Lagna Patrika", a written promise to each other to perform the ceremony at a future date. The engaged couple will be referred here as bride and groom, although they do not become so until the pre wedding ceremony a day or two before the actual wedding.
Namakaranam/Rudhu Shanthi
Namkaran is one of the most important of the 16 Hindu 'samskaras' or rituals. In the Vedic traditional, 'Namkaran' (Sanskrit 'nam' = name; 'karan' = create) is the formal naming ceremony performed to select a newborn's name using traditional methods and astrological rules of naming. This is generally a happy ritual - with the tensions of childbirth now over, the family comes together to celebrate the birth of the child with this ceremony.
Shashtiaptha Poorthi
Shasti Poorthi is celebrated on completion of 60 years of age of the male. This term is derived from Sanskrit in which Shashti means sixty; abda year; poorthi-completion. It marks completion of half the years of one's lifetime as in Hinduism, 120 years is considered the life span of a human being. The sixtieth year in ones life is a significant milestone, memorable turning point, a touching reminder of the rich, mellowed life that would unfold in the years to come.
Bhoomi Pooja
To Perform Bhoomi Pooja Before Construction Is a Good Vastu. When we want to raise a building or till the land for agriculture we bring a change in mother earth. We seekpermission and forgiveness for our actions that disturb the equilibrium of mother earth. We chant the Veda Sutras to nullify any bad effects and to bring peace and prosperity.
Varalakshmi Pooja
Varalakshmi Vrata is a festival to propitiate the goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity. Varalakshmi is one who grants boons. It is an important pooja performed by many women in South India. The Hindu festival celebrated on the Second Friday or the Friday before full moon day - Poornima in the month of Sravana,and Aadi in Tamil.
Sathyanaryana Pooja
Satyanarayan Pooja is one of the best & easiest ways to seek blessings from Lord Vishnu, who is the God responsible for maintenance of this Universe. Typically Satyanarayan Pooja is to be performed before and/or after the fulfillment of our desires e.g. if you want to achieve some important milestones in your life like success in Higher Education, Success in career, promotion etc..,
Pithru Pooja
According to Garuda Purana, after thirteen days of the death soul starts its journey for Yamapuri and it takes seventeen days to reach there. The soul travels through Yamapuri for another eleven months and only in twelfth month it reaches to the court of Yamaraj. During the period of eleven months it has no access to the food and the water. It is believed that Pindadan and Tarpan done by the son and family members satisfy the hunger and the thirst of the soul during its journey till it reaches the court of the Yamaraj. Hence Shraddha rituals are considered very important during first year of the death.